
Right Suppliers & Vendors

Just like in any country, a lack of knowledge or unfamiliarity leads to missing out on good opportunities or deals. Having a bit of local knowledge and working with someone local at the destination who regularly does business with various suppliers and vendors locally will not only save you money but also a lot of unwanted stress.

Sometimes the price is not the only way to negotiate a good deal. Many suppliers may not be able to go below a certain price, but there may be other auxiliary services that they can throw in to sweeten the deal for you. These complimentary services may be a better deal than just trying to drive the price down.

Indian weddings are large events in these countries. Western weddings are relatively smaller in scale and budget. Some vendors view Indian weddings as a significant business opportunity, while others see them as a lifetime opportunity to create something exotic and beautiful. In both cases, they are very eager to work with you. Use this positivity to keep a friendly relationship going to explore a win-win situation.

We do our best to inform our clients about these nuances during our expert consultation and especially during the accompanied recce. This goes a long way in avoiding an abrasive haggling exercise around the prices and lays a strong foundation for a solid win-win relationship with the supplier of your choice.